Given the current volatile situation in Thailand, you might be interested to read the following email that we received from him recently.
    First of all, I would like to express a very great appreciation of worries and thought that you always have on me and my family. Time and distance never detach our relationship. I hope this email finds you well and healthy.
    What's happening in Thailand is truly mournful. People in this country should have never brought fight and losses to thier own kind. A peaceful solution is still visionless and unsolved for this country.
    Speaking about myself, I graduated from Singapore in 2008 and had worked in Bangkok as a consultant for a year. Currently and fortunately, I am on a scholarship doing my master in Finance and Marketing in one of the renowned universities in Sydney, Australia. It is fortunate of me for not being present around Bangkok this year. However, my family is still there. But we do not certainly take parts in the riot. Violence inevitably put constraints in everyone's travelling around Bangkok. We do our best to not get involved in any particular ways, by accident or by purpose.
   Once again I thank you for your consolation. We are safe and sound. Please pass on a greeting from me to fellow Rotarians and my beloved people in Brantford including my host families. I will be in touch again soon.  
Lots of Love,